The gateway of generosity is inexhaustible, benefiting all sentient beings.
Shyalpa Monastery and Nunnery, Kathmandu, Nepal
The monastery and nunnery currently has over 150 monks and nuns in residence. Your donation helps to provide rooms, meals, education, and medical care for our monks and nuns. Thank you for your generous support.
You may donate on PayPal, card or by check, payable to Rangrig Yeshe:
Rangrig Yeshe, c/o Dan Bernatowicz
188 Woodpoint Rd, 1A, Brooklyn, NY 11211
phone: 917-301-7782, email:
The Universal Peace Sanctuary, Lumbini, Nepal
The Universal Peace Sanctuary will serve as a radiant beacon, guiding individuals, communities, and nations toward peaceful coexistence and reconciliation. The sanctuary will welcome people from all walks of life and all spiritual traditions. Thank you for your generous support.
You may donate on PayPal, card or by check payable to Rangrig Yeshe:
Rangrig Yeshe, c/o Dan Bernatowicz
194 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11222
phone: 917-301-7782, email:
Buddhafield ~ Center for Enlightenment, Millerton, New York
Work has begun on development of Buddhafield, preparing for the construction of the residence of His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche, scheduled to begin in the summer of 2019. Buddhafield is the center of Rinpoche's compassionate activities in North America. Thank you for your generous support.
You may donate on PayPal, card or by check, payable to Rangrig Yeshe:
Rangrig Yeshe, c/o Marilyn Privett
27 Brook Terrace, Brockport, NY 14420
Tel: 585-599-3366, email:
All donations are processed by Rangrig Yeshe, Inc., a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, and are fully tax-deductible for U.S. residents.
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