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Perfect Freedom

Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche


Life is a precious gift that should be cherished. However, with each passing moment we draw closer to our final breath. We should seize the moment while we still have time and embark on a spiritual journey. Otherwise, we may never experience freedom from frustration and suffering. Our destiny should not be to leave this life filled with bitter regret and disappointment.


We need to develop the trust that perfect freedom is not only possible but is our birthright. We need to recognize how human life is a precious opportunity, only then will we feel passionate about living life to the fullest. If we understand the value of this life, we will strive to make the most of it. Living fully is living with mindfulness and awareness. It means living simply, free from obsessive needs and desires. If we are careless and inattentive, we risk wasting this precious life, allowing the suffering of cyclic existence to continue.


Most of what we consider pleasurable in this life is temporary and dependent on causes and conditions. Conditioned phenomena do not guarantee lasting fulfillment. Since we cannot predict the time of our death, we should reflect on the uncertainty of when our final moments will occur. 


Perfect freedom is yours when you realize that happiness and suffering both occur in the present moment. You cannot predict what will happen next. We spend much of our time dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, leaving little time to relish the moment that is ours. Freedom is yours when you never lose your vital connection to this moment. 


Embrace this message and commit to the journey toward true freedom. Your conviction is crucial; nothing of value can be accomplished if you allow yourself to be consumed by worldly distractions and insignificant pursuits. The goal is to capture the essence of Dharma in every moment of your life. By practicing diligently, your purpose in life will become clearer and clearer.


Regardless of the circumstances, always strive to be kind. Even when others hurt you, understand their pain and suffering. On the night of Buddha Shakyamuni’s enlightenment, when he was attacked with the poison arrows of Mara, he responded by showering the attackers with flowers. You have within you the seeds of awakening. When you are awakened, you have the strength to respond with selfless care and compassion. This is the noble path to perfect freedom.


Under the direction of His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche


Buddhafield, Center for Enlightenment, Millerton, New York

Rangrig Yeshe, USA

The Universal Peace Sanctuary, Lumbini, Nepal

Shyalpa Monastery & Nunnery, Kathmandu Nepal

Wencheng Gongzhu International Foundation, Asia

Bhrikuti Himalayan Foundation, Nepal

Light of Wisdom Publications, Stockbridge, MA

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